Why Major in Politics at PBA?
Politics majors gain an understanding of major political and governmental concepts and institutions, including current and emerging challenges to the preservation of freedom and constitutional order. Students also learn about comparative, international, and world politics as part of the Politics core curriculum.
Classes are offered in four subfields—American Politics, World Politics, Political Theory, and Law and Constitution—preparing students for the pursuit of professional careers in politics, law, government, public policy, academia and other fields.
“One of the things I learned from PBA was sticking to what I believe in. I cling strongly to what I believe in, and I’m able to speak my mind, from the town square to the floor of Parliament.”
Theo Neilly ‘01

What Can I Do With This Degree?
- Law school
- Politician’s assistant
- Public affairs consultant
Presenting research at a national psychology conference
Analyzing polling data as an intern for a candidate for Congress
Studying sea turtles in the Atlantic
Participating in exciting educational trips, including to the Galapagos or the Everglades.
Supporting the computer network for one of West Palm Beach’s Fortune 500 companies
Analyzing DNA
Publishing a story in PBA’s literary journal Living Waters Review
Walking the stages of London’s renowned theatres
Enhancing your knowledge and skills through clubs and organizations, like the Mathematics Club or the Marine Biology Club
At Palm Beach Atlantic University, you will have access to The LeMieux Center for Public Policy, an interdisciplinary center of excellence consistent with Palm Beach Atlantic University’s purpose and mission and supported by its location.
Learn more about your classes and requirements in the course catalog.
PBA awards over three million dollars in scholarships every year and 97% of PBA undergraduate students receive financial aid.